Wir vernetzen Kompetenzen für innovative Lösungen.


FPI - your german innovation cluster food

Connecting competences for innovative solutions!

“Connecting competences for innovative solutions and thus strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium sized food companies” – this summarises best FPI´s mission.

Main objectives of the cluster organization are

  • the facilitation and implementation of innovations and new solutions in the food sector,
  • the creation of strategic alliances and co-operation projects and
  • the establishment of regional, national and international networks.

FPI fosters communication between all stakeholders in the food arena, provides information, facilitates contacts across the food chains, initiates and supports all forms of co-operation and innovation projects, both national and international.

Main areas of activity are:

  • Identifying fields of innovation together with food industry and research
  • setting-up and moderating expert networks
  • facilitating the technology transfer (b2b and b2s)
  • moderating best-practice co-operations

Experise and activities

FPI as cluster organization has over 20 years of experience in managing innovation projects in the food sector on regional, national, and European level with special attention to the involvement of SMEs. FPI has particular expertise in

  • product and process innovation,
  • digitalization in food processing,
  • resource efficiency and circular economy,
  • food quality and safety,
  • technology transfer,
  • HR development,
  • market development, and
  • communication and dissemination of research results.

FPI is also experienced in organizing delegation trips, study visits and matching events.
FPI has a certified cluster management according to European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) standards and just renewed the Silver Label certificate.

Last but not least, FPI is member of the European partnership Smart Solutions 4 Agri-Food (www.ss4af.com) and therfore has well-established contact to relevant food cluster organisations in 20 regions all over Europe.

Why connect?

Being a cluster organisation in the food sector, FPI has well established networks and relations to actors along the food value chain, technology providers, research organisations, branch associations, as well as policy decision makers in Germany.

FPI offers

  • Networking with partners from food industry and science:
    regional – national – international
  • Networking across industry and technology boundaries
  • Seminars and events on innovation topics
  • Access to knowledge, partners, solutions, and markets
  • Expertise in the areas of technology, networks, talents, and business processes

For further details, please check our BROCHURE.

Selected projects

HIGHFIVE: At HIGHFIVE, our core mission is to drive the European agri-food sector into a new era of digital resilience and sustainability. Through targeted support, interregional collaboration, and strategic investments, we’re paving the way for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

VIDA: Value-added Innovation in fooD chAins: VIDA will nurture and harness the growth and innovation potential of SMEs working across European food chains, bringing together four complementary and mutually dependant sectors; food, energy, water and key enabling technologies (KET).

S3FOOD: Smart Sensor Systems for Food Safety, Quality Control and Resource Efficiency in the Food Processing Industry: S3FOOD will stimulate the integration of IoT and related technologies via the implementation of smart sensor systems in the food production processes in order to improve quality control, resource efficiency and the follow-up of food safety in the food production process.

CirQuality OWL plus: Closing loops at various levels with Circular Economy:
from resources and recyclable materials, to components and parts, to products and building.

TransformERN: Growing, producing, processing, and distributing food more sustainably and thus contributing to NRW as a climate-neutral production location. www.transformern.nrw

AQUACOMBINE: One of the most important challenges of the 21st century is to meet the world’s demand for sustainably produced biomass for both food and the growing bio-products sector. This project explores the potentials of halophytes for new compounds, aquaponic farms (RAS) and rural development based on the concepts of bio-economy and circular economy concepts.

FOOD2020: “Future offensive” for the German-Dutch food industry – supporting innovative technologies and cross-border collaboration.

PerLe NRW (Personalmanagement in der Lebensmittelwirtschaft NRW): Pilot project for recruiting and developing employees in the small and medium-sized food industry in NRW. Supporting and qualifying human resource managers in food SMEs, developing training sessions and blended learning concepts.

Food-scalEUp: Activities for small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups to establish effective and resilient regional and pan-European networks. https://food-scaleup.com

FPI at a glance – download our brief introduction and our overview of offers!

Food-Processing Initiative e.V.
Ritterstr. 19
33602 Bielefeld
Fon +49 521 986 40 0
Fax +49 521 986 40 29
Email: fpinfo@foodprocessing.de