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1. Cross Regional Event HIGHFIVE

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu unserem 1. Cross Regional Event, einer außergewöhnlichen Veranstaltung, die den Dialog zwischen dem HIGHFIVE-Projektpartnern und seinen Teilnehmern fördert und Teil des AgriFood Forums 2023 in Litauen ist.

Unser Ziel ist es, viele Diskussionen und den Austausch von Ideen und Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Bereichen des digitalen & nachhaltigen Wandels zu ermöglichen.

Aus dem Programm:

Twin Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Food Processing SMEs

Keynote by Veerle De Graef (Flanders’ FOOD): A presentation by an expert that will shed light on the dynamics of the food processing industry in the digital and green transition context.

The “twin transition” underscores the need to navigate both digital transformation and sustainability initiatives concurrently, as these two factors are increasingly interconnected and essential for long-term success and competitiveness in the food processing sector. The HIGHFIVE project sets out to inspire and enable food processing SMEs to embrace both the challenges and opportunities of digital solutions to become more sustainable.

Role of EDIHs in helping SMEs in the Twin Transition – case Vilnius

Keynote by Augustas Alešiūnas (ART21): A presentation by a business angel, and an expert in agricultural digital innovations and startup ecosystem that will explain how EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs), and specifically AgriFood Lithuania, can help SMEs tackle the Twin Transition in the agrifood sector.

Two Inspirational Cases of HIGHFIVE Investment Projects:

We will explore success stories that exemplify how projects that have benefited from HIGHFIVE funding have maximized their impact and driven meaningful change in the industry.

  • Computer vision, process monitoring and data modelling for resources optimalisation and waste reduction
    David Verstraeten (YAZZOOM) and Tim Van Meer (POMUNI)
  • Mobile Cobots 4 Flexible Food Production
    Andries van der Werf (Van Wees Waalwijk), Mick Bremans (Mariën Bakkerij Producten NV) and Simon Maas, (AgriFood Capital)

Seien Sie am 14. November live oder online dabei!
Anmeldungen unter http://www.digitalfarm.lt/en/

Weitere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie HIER.

Fragen beantworten Ihnen gerne

Norbert Reichl

Beate Kolkmann